Reviews of Beatrice Learns Compassion
Pauline Reid - Book Reviewer NZ
I saw Angel in the title and I thought, that's it! This would make a brilliant Christmas pressie for kids, nieces, granddaughters and we all know what the angel signifies at this time of year.
It's a very simple book, text one page, illustration on the other. This teaches every female child to be considerate to others and comfort kids their own age and not to side with other bullies when they start with their antics.
The quote that melted my heart to a river of love
"As an Angel of Compassion you will help people to soften even their hardest hearts to feel the strength of love and compassion that is their natural state".
All in all, a simple Christmas present with lots of delight, I'm bringing 5 bright stars and juggling them in a circle and keeping them moving around in a ball for my review/rating.
Nov 26 2024